As I
mentioned the other day, Lucy's having an international picture competition. The topic is "An A-Z of the Things I Love." She actually just extended the deadline to Monday, but since I was just using my old pictures (which is allowed), I decided to put them up now, since I've already got them ready.
So, all of these are pictures that I took in the past. I wish I'd had more time this week to do an all-new A-Z, but I didn't. You may have seen some of these, or you may not have. Either way, I hope there's something you like!

A: Angela (Taken in Lisbon, Portugal in 2010)

B: Books in Berlin (Taken in Berlin --the real one-- in 2006)

C: Coffee (Taken in Salzburg, Austria in 2010)

D: Docks (Taken at Steinhuder Meer, Germany in 2010)

E: Eggs (Taken in Hannover, Germany in 2010... and almost used for the letter "X," since that's how my students pronounce the word "eggs.")

F: Fields (Taken in eastern Washington in 2005)

G: Guns N' Roses (Taken in Sintra, Portugal in 2010)

H: Hannover (Taken in Hannover, Germany in 2005)

I: Ice Cream (Taken at Steinhuder Meer, Germany in 2010)

J: Jumping (Taken in Berlin, Germany in 2010)

K: Kids Who Aren't Mine (Taken in Hannover, Germany in 2010)

L: Llamas (Taken near Humahuaca, Argentina in 2006)

M: My Mom, and My Mom's Mom (Taken in Littleton, Colorado in 2010. Originally, I had put up a picture of the Little Mermaid, since I thought I didn't have any pictures that I had taken of my mom recently, with the exception of one I took of her eating a D�ner Kebab in Switzerland in 2006. But then I remembered I had taken this picture!)

N: Nyhavn/New Harbor (Taken in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2005)

O: Old Folks Hanging Out (Taken in San Antonio, Argentina in 2006)

P: Paintings in Portugal (Taken in Lisbon, Portugal in 2010)

Q: Quixote (Taken in Madrid, Spain in 2010)

R: Regensburg (Taken in Regensburg, Germany in 2010)

S: Sweet Swedes (Taken in Regensburg, Germany in 2010)

T: Train Tunnels (Taken in Munich, Germany in 2010)

U: Urinals (Taken in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2005)

V: The Virgin Mary (Taken in Berlin, Costa Rica in 2007)

W: Windmills (Taken in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2005)

X: Xylophones (Taken in Liberia, Costa Rica in 2010)

Y: Yuan (Taken in Munich, Germany in 2010)

Z: Zocalo (Taken in the Zocalo --it's a word in English, too; I checked!-- in Mexico City in 2008)
Well, that's my A-Z. I tried to keep the descriptions short and sweet, but if you have any questions, feel free to mention them in the comments section. Thanks for reading and looking, and remember: it's not too late to get in your own A-Z of things you love!