Monday, 12 September 2005


After several days of hot and humid weather, the skies have changed and it is raining. This is most welcome, as we have been in an extended dry spell. It was raining so hard for a while, the water was making gullies as it flowed down to the lake over our road. I dashed out to check the rain guage, and saw better than two inches already. There is a small fire burning south of us, about fifteen miles or so away, on Homer Lake. I'm sure the fire fighters will be glad for this rain, too.

The guys in Alaska emailed recently. They have been continuing their visit in Eagle, and had this to say:
" I met Nellie Biederman ("Ma" from Max and Ma). She is a real sweet lady. About 83 years old. I read about her in that Eagle history book and also through Jim's stories.
The leaves are starting to drop off the trees but it's still very peakish as far as color goes.
This is the first library I've been in that has a big old wood stove right in the middle of the floor. And almost as many movies as books. It's in an old log building. Way cool. " ----Greg
This week, they will be getting a ride on the Yukon River, which flows by Eagle. Once they leave Eagle, they plan to head towards Haines, as they heard that the eagles migrate through there. They also plan to visit Valdez.
The leaves here on Gunflint Lake are still more green than any other color. The underbrush, on the other hand, is in full color. When I was walking this morning, I enjoyed the various yellows and browns on the ferns, the reds of the sumac bushes and moose maples, and the purple of the fireweed and New England asters. It certainly is a lovely time of the year.

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