Greg's mom, Sharlene, is currently in Alaska. To keep in touch with Gunflint Lake, she goes to the little library in Eagle to use the computer. She is learning about reading our blog, and I promised to post a picture of the latest kitchen improvements that Greg has done. While Addie and I were gone two weeks ago, Greg tore out some of the old countertops and installed this tile one. Some folks may recognize the green tiles that are also in the hall and bathroom floors in Tamarack, and the gold tiles and white tiles are from the shower in Tamarack. Good use of leftovers! This one is for you, Shar....
We got some rain last night, which is a good thing. The ground was getting dry, so this will help a lot. Addie already misses the sunshine, but we know it will return. When we were out walking two days ago, we heard our first white-throated sparrow. Greg whistled back to answer the call, and the little fellow came whipping right by us. Greg and the bird called back and forth several times, and each time, the bird would fly from one side of the road to the other. Poor little thing thought it had found a mate. We decided that it was best to keep on going rather than disappoint it even more.
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