Wednesday, 13 February 2008

It's a Dog-Eat-Deer World Out There

That's what I was thinking last night at about 3:15 a.m. No, it wasn't from having a bad dream. Instead, we had just been woken up by a wolf barking and yipping, not far from the lodge. On the warmer nights, we've been leaving a window open a bit, in hopes of hearing these guys. Last night, it was only the one, and I had visions of him standing over a deer that he had just taken down. He was calling to all of his relatives in the pack to come join him in the meal, but no one replied. I can still have a vivid imagination at that hour. This morning, I saw tracks from a small wolf, heading down the road to the log cabins. Could these be from our night visitor? We haven't seen any wolves lately, but they often become more active as winter progresses. Opportunities still lie ahead.

The other day, my computer wouldn't allow me to post a couple of photos, so here they are today. This is the bus all snowed under.

As I mentioned then, the bus isn't rolling very far these days. For the time being, we'll just have to be content with memories of the places that it has carried us. In the summer, a favorite trip to take the bus is merely to the end of the Trail, where we like to go picnicking. Last summer, we packed up the food, our little twin buddies and their brother, as well as other assorted friends and relatives, and took Paul up to his band practice, at Trail's End Cafe. While Paul played music, we feasted on chicken sandwiches, wonderful salads, and other goodies. The little kids played in the water at the landing and had a blast. Won't be long, and that season will be here again.

In the meantime though, thoughts are still towards this---Much more appropriate for February.

Have you been out skiing yet? It's great up this way! The snow is in good shape, and the temperatures are cooperating to keep it that way. If you are hankering for some excellent winter sports fun, you should come on up. It's the best.

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