The other night I got pretty wired on mat� (I know, it doesn�t have caffeine, but still, it works) and I came up with the idea of �Blogtoberfest.� Basically, I just liked the word, but I didn�t actually know what kind of concept it could represent. But then it hit me: Oktoberfest is all about exceeding one�s limits and drinking until you puke, so maybe Blogtoberfest could be about pushing myself to the limits and blogging until I throw up a couple liters of beer and a few kilos of Schweinshax�n and Sauerkraut.
Essentially, I really want to keep adding posts to this blog more frequently. In my office and in my calendar, I have a ton of post-it notes with blog ideas that I�ve never had a chance to flesh out, so now I�d like to make the time to do that in what remains of October. I was partially inspired to do this by my brother Paul�s �Doctober� project, and by an interview I saw with Hubert Selby Jr., the guy who wrote �Requiem for a Dream� (more about that in a few days).
Also, I mainly just wanted to use the word �Blogtoberfest,� which seemed freaking brilliant, and whose statute of limitations will naturally expire when November rolls around.
So, stay tuned, and I�ll do my best to bring you not only quality, but also quantity. As we all say �Eins, zwei, g'suffa!�, let�s tap the keg of my brain and let the Blogtoberfest ideas flow!
(Photo credits: Lately I have been trying to use pictures that I�ve taken myself, mainly because I�m concerned about giving credit where credit is due, and also because it gives this blog more of a holistic, �Sitzman-esque� experience. That�s why I used a picture of a �God Bless
Oh, and about the pictures.
The first one is of two random chicks in their Dirndls--the traditional dress. If you do an internet search for the word �Dirndl,� you might be surprised that this traditional garment is being sexed up for the new generation. Then again, you probably wouldn�t be surprised, since that�s what fashion is all about: making peasant garb sexy.
The second picture is of a girl selling Big Pretzels at the beer garden. Especially now with the exchange rate hurting the dollar, 3 Euros 30 seems pretty damn expensive. I didn�t actually buy a pretzel, though, since pretzels make me angry, for some reason).
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