We set off to discover the delights of the Squiriou valley and the Forest Domainale de St-Ambroise on the circuit de Trinivel joined by three new walkers and Merlin the Jack Russell. Leaving the disused railway station we crossed the bridge over the river Squiriou and headed uphill, which soon warmed us up as there was a distinct nip in the air. Plunging down into the mainly pine clad forest we snaked along the muddy track before the steady climb up past huge piles of timber awaiting collection. Tempting views of the countryside beyond were glimpsed through gaps in the trees, highlighted by the autumn sun. Whilst we settled into the rhythm of chatting and walking, the dogs enjoyed the puddle strewn path.At the forest cross roads we followed a path over a small stream swollen by the recent rain and on into a delightful deciduous woodland.Their leaves carpeted the pathway that led us up into the tiny hamlet of Trinivel. Here we had long views over the forest and beyond. By the peaceful chapel of St. Corentin we stopped for refreshment and enjoyed Liz's delicious cakes.Thus refreshed we rejoined the trail passing by Kervell� and Kermarzin. Here we turned onto 'l'ancienne voie ferr�e' , the old track was strewn with leaves and the Squiriou burbled alongside us. The group had spread out over fifty metres or so, and as they rustled through the leaves it reminded us of the trains that once use to puff their way along the same route.Back at the car park Dick entertained everyone by showing off his dog handling skills whilst attempting to take a group photo of all the dogs.
Kay & Steve Attwell
Kay & Steve Attwell
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