Not so fast! The spots have reappeared in many recent photos, and closer inspection has revealed that there is condensation inside the camera. In certain conditions the condensation appears on the inside of the lens (it is like a built-in barometer).
The camera has not gotten wet so-to-speak, but there have been several times this spring when I have been caught in the rain. Also, the past month has created such a damp environment aboard that everything from laundry to my cell phone has a certain degree of moisture in it.Zip-loc bags only help so much.
My film camera was a Fuji that was given to me secondhand about 20 years ago. I had an assortment of lenses and took that camera everywhere. Eventually the marine environment and time took it's toll. When I made the switch to a digital camera, I deliberately chose something that I would not have to worry about. If I wanted to walk out on a jetty or take photos of spray coming over the rail, I didn't want to be worrying about the camera. If the camera was too valuable, it would start dictating where I went, and under what conditions. Salt water, dampness, and cameras do not mix. I think we have all met people who own something nice, but who are reluctant to use it for fear of damaging it. There is a fine line between taking proper care of something, and being more in love with the product than it's purpose. Sometimes you own an item, other times it owns you.
There have been some drawbacks to this small Sony. The quality deteriorates sharply when there is distance involved. Also I simply do not have the zoom capabilities that I had been previously so accustomed to. But I have learned to improvise.
The next few weeks of photos will determine what I decide to do. In the meantime, I have been messing around with Picasa, trying to minimize the spots.
These photos were taken along the East River on the Guilford-Madison line. The river was swollen from the recent rains, leaving a portion of the parking lot and boat ramp submerged. Water, water everywhere.
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