A bull wandered into our yard yesterday and was eating our grass. I had to chase it away with a broom (it's the dry season, after all, and I also didn't want to deal with a bunch of cow crap when I cut the grass). This kind of thing happens quite frequently here, so even though it's not the best picture, it's still a good representative for Costa Rica today, so I decided on it for Picture of the Day:

Once again, I realize that this isn't a political picture, per se, unless you consider that most of what politicians say is bullshit. At least we can find a slight connection there...

Also: Ring Power! Sometime this week--either the 5th or 6th, we think--is
our legal anniversary. I know it's either my friend Mike's birthday or the day AFTER my friend Mike's birthday. To celebrate, we went out to dinner:

We went to a Chinese restaurant in Palmares. I took this because for some reason, every Chinese restaurant I've been to in Costa Rica serves these freaking slices of unadorned white bread! Even when you get carry-out, they still stack 6 or 7 pieces of bread on top of the containers in the bag.
It's quite perplexing.
So, thanks for reading, and have a good day!
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