What a lovely morning it was yesterday, to be hanging out at the corner of the Gunflint and the Sag Lake Trail. The day's event was the Ham Lake Half-Marathon and 5K run. For the past two years, Greg has gone to work traffic control, as a part of the Gunflint Trail volunteer fire department. This year, I got to be his assistant, since the resort isn't quite open yet.
The marathon was started in 2008, by Sue Prom of Voyageur Canoe Outfitters. Sue wanted a way to commemorate the Ham Lake Fire, one with a bright outcome. On this particular Sunday, 190 runners had signed up to run the trail.

This day, when the runners started to come in to view, I knew a little of what it was like for them. So I did my best to cheer them on, giving them encouragement for the last mile or so of the race. It was really fun to be on the sidelines, thinking up new words to call to them: You're almost there! There's good things up ahead! You can almost smell the barbecue at the end! This year the Ham Lake, next year Grandma's Marathon!
It was especially enjoyable to see friends and neighbors running the race. With camera handy, I caught two parties on film, and was so happy to see everyone smiling!

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