Well, my mom and siblings were just here for a few days, so I got behind on uploading my Pictures of the Day. Let's see if we can get caught up now, eh?
June 21st: My friend Mike, in the Armadillo parking lot. I'm glad we got to see him, although I wish we could have spent more time with him. I feel that way about all the other people who I wanted to see on our trip, but just weren't able to visit.
June 22nd: Denver International Airport's terminal. I really like the airport, and once my friend Mike and I spent the night there... and we weren't even traveling anywhere. It just seemed like an interesting thing to do. And I guess it was, since I'm telling this story now.
June 23rd: While we were happy to see Costa Rica again, we quickly realized that we had no food. This is our refrigerator the day after we got back: a can of Coke, a little bit of coffee in a brown bag, a pair of tamales Angela's mom made us, a pitcher of stale water (guess I forgot to empty that, but glad it didn't have mold), some random liquor (triple sec?), and a little rice Angela's mom made and left for us. As I write this, a day later, it's even more drastic, since we ate or drank the rice, tamales, and Coke.
June 24th: No, this isn't the famed Chupacabras. It's my Father-in-law Honorio with a headlamp we gave him as a thank-you present for looking after our house while we were gone.
June 25th: I'm not sure why, but I liked this picture I took of the hotel I was staying at in Liberia. I had to go up there to sub for another teacher. Somehow, it was the first time I'd been to Guanacaste in the nearly four years I've been living in Costa Rica. I still have yet to go to a beach in Guanacaste, though. They're supposed to be the nicest in the country, although so far I've really liked the ones in Limon, Costa Rica's Caribbean province.
June 26th: An old, sort-of busted marimba. I guess that's the official instrument of Costa Rica.
June 27th: This picture is a bit boring, but it was a pretty busy day. What do you want?
So! I'm gonna keep uploading pictures tonight until I fall asleep or until the enormous rug in our dryer catches on fire... whichever comes first. Thanks for reading, and I'll hope to get more pictures up ASAP! Have a great day!
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