Here are my Pictures of the Day from the last week or so. A few of them are repeats from the scavenger hunt, but I guess that's OK. As always, there are also
leftovers, so feel free to check those out!
July 26th: Angela was "knitting" this evening while we watched the Planet Earth DVDs that Paul loaned us. I put "knitting" in quotes because she uses a board thingy instead of needles, but the result is the same.
July 27th: This is definitely a "typical" Costa Rican picture: stuck in traffic. Driving here, compared to the US and Europe, is exponentially slower and more frustrating.
In this case, a funeral procession was walking up a hill, blocking the road into Palmares. I understand this makes me seem like a cold-hearted bastard, but at the same time, it was creating a danger, since frustrated drivers were trying to pass the procession. Plus, there's obviously a sidewalk... why not use that for the procession?
July 28th: It's been a while since I got a machete picture, so a photo scavenger hunt was the perfect opportunity. The subject was "weapon."
July 29th: More pictures from the photo scavenger hunt. The theme for this one was "western."
July 30th: Our power went out for a few hours this day, so I used a new headlamp to go around the house. When I saw my reflection in the bathroom mirror, I knew I'd found my "red" picture for the scavenger hunt.
July 31st: I've seen this ad in a few places recently, and I'm glad I caught it in a picture. It says "Yo existo," or "I exist." Apparently, it's for a local census in Palmares.
August 1st: A Frisbee. I brought this Frisbee to Costa Rica with the intention of taking it to the beach, but in the couple dozen times we've gone since I brought it, I have not remembered it a single time.
And yes, it's on top of a map quiz, which I like to complete in my free time.
August 2nd: Mint Magic tea. One of my favorites, not so much based on taste, but based on wizardry.
Paul said that you can't see this tea in Colorado, which is strange since it's made there. One way or the other, it's surprising to see that Celestial Seasonings has made it into various Costa Rican supermarkets, and that the boxes of tea still only cost about 3 dollars, which is about the same as in Colorado. Someone's getting ripped off somewhere.
August 3rd: This is probably the most disgusting Picture of the Day I'll have. At least I hope so.
I really hate those nail files and emory boards that people sometimes use. They make me want to vomit, actually, and I think for me it's the same reaction as some people have with nails on a chalkboard. In any case, when I see or hear someone filing their nails, it makes me think of this.
So, we're caught up for now. Thanks for reading, and have a great day!
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