Well, we're almost caught up. Be sure to check out my leftovers if you want to see more pictures. I took a LOT when we were in
Colorado and even more when we went to
Las Vegas. So, have a look at those, as well as these Pictures of the Day:
December 28th: A pot of tamales. This picture is from a get-together Marie and Mike had at Marie's family's house. Mike cooked some delicious tamales, and we got a chance to catch up with some friends.
December 29th: I think I had a very similar picture to this one as a leftover a few days ago, but that's why we have leftovers, now isn't it? So we can go back a few days later and take the same picture when we're out of new ideas!
December 30th: A surprising snow storm came through town one night when we stayed at Dustin and Sam's house! (This is actually their neighbor's house.)
December 31st: Dustin and Sam's Cat, Hermione ("Miney"). It sort of looks like she's reading a crystal ball or something. If she had suddenly said, "I can read your thoughts, Ryan," I think I would have crapped my pants.
January 1st: I saw this couple in the mall in the Venetian hotel in Las Vegas. I asked if I could take their picture, and the girl said, "Was?" So I asked in
German if I could take their picture, and they said yes. So, I took a few pictures of them. It turns out they were from K�ln. Ain't love grand??
January 2nd: A little girl at the aquarium at the Mandalay Bay hotel. She's a bit out of focus, but at least the panda or whatever that thing is on her sweatshirt seems to be relatively in focus. Plus, I like the colors. I guess sometimes it pays to be the guy lurking around the aquarium trying to take pictures of little kids.
January 3rd: A statue at Caesar's Palace, still decorated for Christmas.
January 4th: One of the rides (called "Insanity: The Ride") at the Stratosphere skyscraper in Las Vegas. I didn't ride on it, but Paul did (it was pretty cold that night, and I don't like heights). The ride took a people-filled claw over the edge of the building and then started spinning them around. Then the claw opened up so the people were looking straight down.
Paul said it was freaky.
If you look at the Leftovers from January 4th, there are quite a few more pictures of this ride.
January 5th: I took a very similar picture to this a week or so earlier, but I had to save it for a leftover since I liked a different picture for Picture of the Day. So, this one didn't turn out as nicely as that other picture, but I'll still allow it.
That's all for today. I'll try to get caught up to the current day as soon as possible. Thanks for reading, and have a great day!
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