...And a little bit of March and May.
April has been a great month, but it's been pretty worthless in terms of productivity. So in the spirit of International Labor Day, I decided to get things moving and finally catch up on my Pictures of the Day. (But in the spirit of Procrastination Day, I decided to do it two days after Labor Day).
In any case, hopefully there's something you like here. You can also check out the other pictures and leftovers from the last month on my flickr account. Some of them were quite nice, since we went to the beach with Henni and Andy for a few days. Without further ado, enjoy!
March 30: I borrowed my in-laws' truck to go pick up some lattice we bought to put on the Formerly Crappy Casita.
March 31: This is a plant that we got at EPA, a hardware store in San Jose. It sort of looks like cotton candy.
April 1: A kid playing in the fountain in Palmares' central park.
Andy got in on Saturday, so we've been having fun hanging out with him. We went to Sarch� to see the World's Largest Oxcart, but it was gone. Then we went to Grecia to see the big metal church.
April 4: A last-minute picture of some bananas that Andy bought.
April 5: Some "
timbres," which are basically worthless bureaucratic stamps that you need to perform official functions and authenticate documents in Costa Rica. Lucy and I went to San Jose to get a certification of our migratory movements since we first arrived here.
I've been here about 4.5 years, so I needed 25 colones worth of timbres. If you're keeping track at home, that's about 5 cents. Annoying and bureaucratic, but at least it's cheap.
April 6: A guide to Japan that I've been reading. I got it around 6 or 7 years ago in a used bookstore in Boulder, but it's got nice pictures. I had been wanting to make a trip to Japan this coming summer, but it seems like it'd be best to hold off on that for the time being.
April 7: Adriana, Angela, and Andy watching "The Last Samurai." As Andy said, "Tom Cruise didn't ruin it too much."
April 9: A new building in Palmares. I think they'd been working on it for a LONG time but then stopped halfway, but now it apparently has been finished.
April 10: Once again, we've been having some ridiculously beautiful sunsets.
April 11: Some peanuts. I was looking for "N" pictures, and "nuts" seemed like a good idea.
April 12: I know I keep having Pictures of the Day of our stupid cats, but Boner and Chubby have been hanging out looking out the window like this. I like how they put up their arms, like they're at a bar.
April 13: Strawberry milk. The dinner of champions.
April 14: Spanglish in Action: "Full Inyeccion." Seen on a Nissan Sentra in the parking lot at work.
April 15: A self-portrait of me painting the roof on the Formerly Crappy Casita. It was hot and fume-filled, hence the Train Robber look.
April 16: A cross at school, prepped for the upcoming Easter Break (Semana Santa). In typically Costa Rican fashion, no cross can go outside without covering itself with some kind of jacket.
April 17: Angela holding some origami that her students made.
April 18: I made a pumpkin pie for my father-in-law's birthday.
April 19: A picture I took of Veronica and Angela. Almost all the pictures I took of Veronica came out fuzzy. She seems to be in constant motion.
April 20: Angela, Andy, and I have been watching the first season of "The Vampire Diaries." For Angela and I, it's actually the second time around (well, the third or fourth for Angela), but Andy got into it, too. I had to set the camera timer to get in on the first picture.
April 21: Henni got here! After a false start and a missed plane, Henni arrived a few days later than planned, but still in good spirits. We went to Angela's folks' house to check out the coffee farm.
April 22: Angela and two kids on the ferry from Puntarenas to Paquera. Faces were made on both sides. This was from our Easter Week trip to Playa Tambor with Henni, Andy, and Lucy's family. It was a great time!
April 24: This revolting maggoty-looking thing is something related to bees or wasps, but I couldn't tell you what.
April 25: A plane landing at the airport, right off the beach on Playa Tambor.
April 26: Two dudes in Paquera waiting to unload the incoming ferry from Puntarenas.

April 27: Henni reading in the kitchen. It was great to have her visit!
April 28: Still looking for "Q" pictures.
April 29: Some salt shakers that Marie gave us for our wedding. Unfortunately, salt liquifies in Costa Rica if it's not in an air-tight container, but we still keep them out on the table because we think they look so cool.
April 30: For some reason, I found this line of trash bags in Palmares to be interesting.
May 1: Ruben (in the middle) lives across the street from us with his family (including Cristina, on the left). He built a really cool rancho/A-frame house on their yard, so we went over there to check it out (Andy's on the right).
So! Wow! Thanks for reading and checking out the pics, and have a great day!
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