One thing about Costa Rica which has fairly confounded me, and which continues to do so to this day, is the way they designate seasons here. Right now it�s January, and here in Costa Rica we�re basically in what they call �Summer,� although in the United States and, indeed, nearly the rest of the Northern Hemisphere, it�s Winter.
Here in Coast Tasty, �Summer� goes from approximately the end of December to some vague date in April or May. At that point, the rainy season (or �Winter�) kicks in. Still, there are quite a few nice days up through July and possibly even August, but around September, things start getting rainy, moldy, and altogether shitty right about then. There�s no real Fall, since different plants seem to lose leaves at different times, and those varying plant lifecycles also mean there�s no identifiable Spring.***
This actually is a very circuitous introduction to a movie review. You see, although it�s �Summer� here, it was actually more �wintery� this last weekend, with overcast skies and even a bit of drizzling rain yesterday. That meant that Angela and I had to scrap our plans of going to the pool and getting a sunburn, and instead we stayed at home and watched a movie called �The Fall.�
Paul gave the movie to Angela for Christmas, and I guess he explained it to her a bit when she opened it up. I even remember him mentioning it on his blog some time ago, but I guess I was somehow confused, because when we started watching it yesterday, I was under the impression that it was a French movie. It�s not. It IS the type of movie that continually pops into your thoughts for the next few days, though, and that�s why I�m writing about it now. If you�ve seen the movie, maybe you can post a comment on what you thought about it. If you�ve not seen it, it�s sort of like �The Princess Bride,� if that movie had taken place in a hospital in the 1920s and Fred Savage�s grandpa had been suicidal. Also, this time around, instead of--well, Fred Savage--the protagonist is an adorable 5-year-old girl from Russia or Albania or some other place where people wore scarves. So I guess the two films are not exactly alike, but there are a surprising number of similarities between the two movies--all of which I�m sure more astute and nerdy bloggers have already commented upon.
Still, both contain an underlying theme of convalescence through fantasy storytelling, and that�s worth recognizing. In any case, I�m getting off topic here, and I basically wanted to bring up this discussion of �The Fall� based on my own thoughts and reactions to the movie. I think that no one can argue that �The Fall� is visually stunning. In fact, I had to watch the special features before I even believed that the places where the crew filmed were real. But what else does anyone know about this movie? What is your opinion? Maybe you�ve seen something that awakened a similar feeling in you�whether it be nostalgia, amazement, hate, or whatever. Anyhow, if anyone feels like sharing, please do.
***SEASONAL BONUS!***If you can explain the following conundrum to me, I will consider you a genius. OK, when I started teaching at my present job, I left one class to go teach another one every evening around 5:30. As I walked outside to my second classroom, I often was blessed with amazing views of the sunset. In a period starting in March and ending in July or so, I observed these daily sunsets. The physical point where the sun dipped below the horizon was gradually moving a little bit every day.
Now, it does that in Colorado, too, and as America�s Summer comes into being, the days get longer and the sun sets later every day. That's normal. However, in Costa Rica, the opposite was the case, and the sun would set a little bit earlier every day. Maybe I was forming my own personal time zone by just drinking WAAAY too much coffee, but that just doesn�t seem right at all. I know that we�re much closer to the equator than in Colorado, but how could this be possible, seeing as we�re still in the northern hemisphere? Anybody got anything?