Monday, 9 February 2009

Sometimes It Really Blows Here

The other day I was talking about the heavy winds here, so I figured I'd include a couple more pictures, now that the gusts have died down a bit:

This is our new house, from way in the back. I actually took this picture from the neighbor's property, which currently is empty. This is the tree that was blocking our view of the Gulf of Nicoya anyhow, so when it blew over, we didn't shed too many tears. Plus, it landed exactly on the property line, which is perfect. Before the tree fell, all sorts of dogs and hicks were coming through our property, and now the branches have helped seal it off a bit more.

Here is another big pine tree that fell down on the side of our lot. It fell onto Angela's sister's lot and almost crushed an outhouse (the little silver thing on the left), so we were really lucky that no coffee pickers were using the facilities at the time. We're currently taking applications for someone to remove the tree. The only requirements are a lot of gumption and stick-to-it-iveness...and a big chainsaw.

Finally, these last two pictures are of the house that "blew over." It turns out that reports of the house's demise were slightly exaggerated (as are most reports of any type in Berl�n). Nevertheless, the wind still tore the house a new skylight. The picture above was taken while going up the hill between our house and Angela's folks' house, and from here the house looks like it may be a slight bit drafty.

When viewed from above, though, you can see that the garage and part of the house were knocked over or blown away, but a lot of the house's actual structure remained. As I said in the previous post, it was really lucky that no one was living there at the time.
Anyhow, that's it for now. But trust me, the wind is dying down, so you should still come visit!

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