This being a personal blog, I guess it's sort of my responsibility to post self-indulgent crap like pictures of my cat being cute. So without further ado, here's Coochie-Flies* (aka Cucho):

On the laundry sink, which is inexplicably outside in the back of our current house.

Three things I love in this picture: Angela, a mug of coffee, and our lame cat.

Oh just look at his little paws!

We thought Cucho would like this Tigger stuffed animal that Angela had. In fact, he hates it. He spends every minute that we give it to him attacking, biting, and scratching it. Here is just looks like a friendly embrace, though.
So, that's it for the moment. I'm currently working on more posts for today and the rest of the week, so stay tuned!
*Like I said before, Angela named him, not me!
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