In any case, here are some interesting articles and pictures that I came across this last week; I hope you enjoy them:
First of all, let's start with a picture that was sent to my by my friend Julien (the one with the dream photo assignment I mentioned a few days ago):
The picture is a self-portrait drawn by Philippe Gonzavalez in the 80s. It's really weird and it's in French, but that shouldn't stop you from reading more about it by following this link (also, if you speak Spanish, the map itself is pretty understandable, and the accompanying article is in English anyhow).

Second: Speaking of Frenchie-Poo stuff, I came across this article praising cassoulet. I didn't know what the hell cassoulet was before, and the details are still fuzzy, but basically it sounds like a tasty French stew that's heavy on preparation time, beans, and duck fat.
Third: While we're on the topic of food, I came across yet another article on the benefits of drinking absurd amounts of coffee. It's from La Naci�n, Costa Rica's most respected newspaper (although that's not saying an awful lot). Unfortunately for all you Gringos out there, it's in Spanish, but you can at least check it out to see a picture of a caf� chorreado set-up, which is a traditional way of preparing coffee here; it's the thing that looks like a sock hanging above a coffee cup.
Fourth: For our final food-related link of the day, I came across this photo-stream (Fotostrecke) about Th�ringer Kl��e in Stern magazine. For all of you who aren't down with the Deutsch, Kl��e are sort of like boiled potato dumplings filled with bread crumbs. They're quite tasty with gravy and meat dishes. The instructions are in German, but the detailed pictures--like number 3!--are so aweomse that they speak for themselves!
Fifth: Here's one for the nerds: This article by Slate's Farhad Manjoo examines the differences between the internet today and the internet in 1996. The conclusion: It's almost unrecognizable as the same concept. The way in which we use the internet today has made the 1996 version "unrecognizable." Good, retro fun.
Sixth and Final: This is an older article from December, but it still resonates strongly with the slacker within me. It's called "Why Not Start The Weekend on Wednesday?" If you really need more justification to read it than the title, well, it's about how we work too much these days. It's a premise familiar to Fight Club fans: we work too much so that we can buy crap that we don't need, but if we just reduced our inherent consumerism (and clocked out on Wednesday afternoons in the process), we might be able to experience many benefits, an increased quality of life possibly among them.
So, hope this keeps you a bit entertained for a while, and tell me if any of this was interesting. If so, I can keep putting them up. Have a good week!
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