It's one of those weeks, where a problem keeps returning to vex me. In this case, it is a rash of outboard motor challenges. Over Memorial weekend, we had two motors go down in one swoop, when Greg and Paul were attempting to get the barge up and running. Of course, it had to be nine at night, as well, when friends had come to use it to reach their cabin. They ended up towing the barge, with their load of cabinets and other stuff. I love this picture of their trailer--they said several people on the highway had taken their photo. No wonder why!

We brought the two motors in to the repair shop, and after several days of determination, the guys had them running again. We picked them up and brought them home, and got them on to the boats. All was well for a moment or two, and then they quit on us. Unfortunately, one is just too old for the challenge of pushing a boat anymore, so we may have to leave that one for bluer lakes (greener pastures?)....or scrap, more likely. The other one, we hope, is still salvageable. Time will tell.
Now a third one has gasped, and so have I. The main thing for which I am grateful is that Greg and Paul are here to help deal with these challenges. As I have mentioned in previous posts, the waterfront, and in particular, learning about the outboards on my own, is not one of my strong suits. So glad to have help around!
This is a picture of Greg and our friend Chris. They are

looking at an antique motor, a Johnson, just as the stand says. Greg isn't sure how old it is, but he says it's from the 1930's or 40's. It's another one of those old things around here, a part of our collection. Recently, the motor found a new home. The Gunflint Trail Historical Society will soon be opening the
Chik Wauk Museum, up at the end of the Trail. The outboard is in one of the many exhibits. This will be a much better spot for it, rather than hidden away in a corner of our motorshed. I'm really glad that we didn't have to get this motor to run again....though that may have been an easier task than keeping our current motors in working order.
Sooner or later, our motor troubles will be behind us. In the meantime, I'm fixing up a boat with oars....not much can go wrong with that, right? On second thought, don't tell me.
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