Here are another 10 Pictures of the Day:
June 11, 2010: Trail Ridge Road, in Rocky Mountain National Park. I guess it's something like "the highest continuous paved road in the continental US." Whatever its claim to fame is, it seems to have quite a few qualifiers. It's a great drive, though, although when it's foggy the view's not as great (save for the snow, this could actually be a picture of Berlin, Costa Rica).
June 12, 2010: The top of an onion plant from my parents' garden. Or maybe it's a leek.
June 13, 2010: This is my dad, whose 60th birthday we were celebrating on this day. His actual birthday is the 17th, though. Still, happy birthday!
June 14, 2010: This girl and her mom found this couch on the side of the road just as we were driving by, and I thought it might make an interesting Picture of the Day, since Craig and I picked up a couch off the side of the road 15 or so years ago. They weren't able to move it in their truck without it sliding off the tailgate (see Leftover #2 for this day), so I jogged behind them and held up the couch while they drove it down the street to the daughter's house. Good times.
June 15, 2010: A statue in the park next to Speer and the Convention Center in Denver. Angela and I went to meet Paul at Domo Japanese Restaurant and walked around downtown a bit.
June 16, 2010: A stained-glass window at my aunt's family's church. We went there with them to watch the youth band practice.
June 17, 2010: The Drive-In! The one in Fort Collins is one of the few left in Colorado, and it's always a fun time. Angela and I went there with Dustin and Sam.
June 18, 2010: My sister's dog The Other Dog. He's really slow and doesn't move much, plus he has a tendency to stare at things that aren't moving. In other words, he's an ideal subject for a photo.
June 19, 2010: A flower. Today we went with my mom and looked at a garden show in Fort Collins that she had won tickets to. It was nice, with lots of flowers and garden-y things.
June 20, 2010: A T-Rex claw at the Denver museum. We went there with my family to see the Body Worlds exhibit, where they have the plastified bodies on display. It was really interesting.
So, that's it for the moment, but I'll try to get caught up until today as soon as possible!
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