Sunday 1 March 2009

February Retrospective

I decided not to post a Sunday Magazine this week, partially because I haven�t read that many good articles this week, and partially because I don�t think that anyone reads them, anyhow.

I did want to take a minute, though, to reflect on this past February. Through a lot of behind-the-scenes typing, as well as strange luck, it was one of the most productive blog months of late--and it wasn�t even a leap year! In fact, in the three years that I've had this blog, it was the month with the most posts (21). So, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for reading the blog. Your comments and emails are a good motivator, and I appreciate them a lot. I also appreciate the people that have done Google searches through the blog or visited the advertisements. I know that advertisements are not really �cool,� but they actually have helped a bit, so thanks for that. Also, thanks for the people who have decided to �follow� this blog (see that little box on the left). I�m not sure what exactly it does, but it�s interesting, I think. Plus with this box, you can see a little picture of Dustin�s face, which I think we all universally agree is pretty awesome. So go ahead and sign up to follow the blog, if you want.

So, thanks again to everyone, and I hope that March is a great month for you!

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